The Public Social Welfare Centre
The Public Social Welfare Centre is there for everyone, not just for people living in poverty. Sometimes, you encounter problems you just can’t solve.
The Public Social Welfare Centre offers a diverse range of services to various target groups.
The Welfare Centre
The Welfare Centre isn’t just for financial or bureaucratic issues. The social service workers will listen to your story.
You will receive support or specialised services as needed. If the problems are very complex, requiring multiple care professionals, the best approach will be decided in a meeting. This takes place in the client’s presence and with their permission.
The Social Services department is there for anyone who can’t solve their problems by themselves, and they will help you look for a solution. If you’re in financial difficulties, they can help you with your budget or in some cases, offer financial aid.
Sociaal Huis
Jan van Ruusbroecpark
1560 Hoeilaart
Tel. 02 658 28 68
Opening hours
Every working day: 08:15 to 12:00