
In Flanders libraries also function as information centres. All citizens are welcome to ask questions relating to knowledge, culture, information or leisure activities. They will help you find answers to your questions. The public library wishes to encourage people to read and write, to disseminate culture and to increase cultural participation. 

At the library you can read and borrow books, audiobooks, (music) CDs, DVDs, language courses, magazines and more at very affordable rates. You may take books and other items home with you, but you must return them by the agreed date (the due date). It is possible to renew a loan. Then you can keep the item for a longer period and a new due date will apply.

To borrow books you must first join the library. To join, you pay a membership fee. You are then provided with a library card. Take this to the library in order to borrow books. 

Within the province of Flemish Brabant, the same library card is valid for all libraries that participate in the provincial library system (PBS). You can use this card to borrow books, CDs and DVDs in your own or neighbouring municipalities. You can view the complete catalogues for all participating libraries.
You can renew and reserve books yourself online. You will be notified by email when your books are almost due. This is a reminder that you must return the books. 

Bib Hoeilaart
Gemeenteplein 39, 1560 Hoeilaart 
Tel. 02 657 17 44

Opening hours
Monday: 16:00 to 19:00
Tuesday: 09:00 to 12:00
Wednesday: 13:00 to 17:00
Thursday: 16:00 to 19:00
Friday: 09:00 to 12:00
Saturday: 10:00 to 13:00