Formalising your stay
If you wish to stay in Belgium for more than three months, you must register with the department of Civil Affairs (Dienst Burgerzaken) for the municipality in which you will be living within eight days of your arrival in Belgium. Go to Civil Affairs and ask to be added to the population register. The department will then check whether you are truly living at the address you have submitted. This is usually done by the district police officer. They will pay a ‘home visit’.
If you move within Belgium you have eight days to inform Civil Affairs of your new address.
When you apply for registration you must be able to provide your residence documents. For EU residents, this is the identity card or passport. Non-EU residents will require a visa.
For more information on the required residence documents please visit
Dienst Burgerzaken
Jan van Ruusbroecpark (manor farm)
1560 Hoeilaart
Opening hours: preferably make an appointment via tel. 02 658 28 50
Monday to Friday: 8:15 to 12:00
Thursday: 16:00 to 19:30