Welcome to Flanders!
Flanders is the northern state of the federation of Belgium. Brussels is the capital of Flanders. It is Belgium’s largest region and the state with the largest population (approx. 6.4 million). A resident of Flanders is called Flemish.
Dutch is Flanders’ official language. Language skills are very important. Many Flemish inhabitants speak English and French fluently
Flanders is governed by the Flemish Parliament and the Flemish Government, consisting of nine ministers and headed by the prime minister.
The Flemish Parliament and the Flemish Government agree on those regulations for which Flanders has the authority. Flanders has many responsibilities, including education, mobility, public works, nature and the environment, health, the family, etc. This is the result of various state reforms. The Flemish administration supports the political decision-making bodies (parliament and government) in the preparation and practical implementation of policies and decisions.
Please visit the website www.vlaanderen.be for more information on Flanders.
Language policy
In Belgium everyone may speak whatever language they want. That freedom of language is a constitutional right.
Belgium has three official languages:
- Dutch
- French
- German
There are four language regions in Belgium:
- The Dutch language region
- The French language region
- The German language region (nine municipalities in eastern Belgium)
- The dual-language Brussels Capital Region
The country’s division into various language regions with specific official languages changes nothing with respect to the inhabitants’ freedom of language. You will only be obliged to speak (one of) the official language(s) in a few circumstances. During interactions with the government or schools, for example.
For more information visit:www.livingintranslation.be
Interaction with government bodies
The language for each government body is that of the language region in which it is located.That rule applies to any government body (federal, Flemish, provincial or local government).The government is only permitted to use the official language.Government documents are also available in the official language only.
Hoeilaart, Tervuren and Zaventem are Flemish municipalities.They are located in the Dutch language region.In these municipalities, Dutch is the official language.Municipal employees are eager to help you where they can.Due to the language regulations, this must be in Dutch.If your own Dutch is not yet good enough, it’s best that you bring along someone to act as a translator or interpreter.A member of the Welcome Team can help you in your interactions with the municipality.
Interaction with schools
Schools must use the official language for their location.In Flanders, interactions between the school and the parents are in Dutch.All official educational documents (letters, diplomas and other certification) are in Dutch as well.